by Julia Petratos

If you are a landlord, property manager or tenant, you should be aware of the significant changes to Queensland’s tenancy laws through the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008 (Qld). The implementation of these changes has been staggered, with the first lot of changes coming into effect in October 2021, and the final changes due to be made on 1 September 2024. Some important amendments to the Act include changes to the grounds for ending tenancies and requirements around repairs to the property.

We have summarised some of the more notable amendments below. You can also find out more about other significant amendments made to tenancy laws, including pet approvals, here.

Ending Tenancies

The grounds for ending fixed and periodic tenancies have changed with the new laws. New grounds for ending tenancies have been introduced, and some changes to the existing grounds have also been made.

Landlords are no longer entitled to end a periodic tenancy without grounds, although additional grounds have been introduced for a landlord to make a Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) Application to end a tenancy. New offence provisions and penalties have also come into effect in circumstances where a Form 12 Notice to Leave is issued which does not contain one of the accepted grounds for ending a tenancy.

Tenants are now able to end their tenancy within the first three (3) months in circumstances where false and misleading information has been given by the property manager or landlord, and additional grounds have been introduced for a tenant’s right to issue a Form 13 Notice of Intention to Leave.

Nominated Repairers

General tenancy agreements must now identify nominated repairers, as well as the tenant’s first point of call for emergency repairs – this change also implements the requirement for tenants to contact the nominated repairer before arranging for another repairer to carry out any emergency repairs.

Other Notable Changes

  • New procedures and requirements for changing locks.
  • Expanded retaliation provisions related to repair matters.
  • Increased value of emergency repairs a tenant can arrange.
  • Entitlement of a property manager to make deductions from rent payments for costs of emergency repairs.

Further changes to tenancy laws will also come into effect in 2023, with Minimum Housing Standards applying to all new leases entered into from 1 September 2023 and applying to all tenancies as of 1 September 2024.

If you are a tenant or a landlord looking for advice on the recent amendments to the legislation, or for any kind of advice in relation to rental laws and your rights, give us a call and book an appointment with one of our lawyers who can guide you through the laws and any impact they may have on you.